Wednesday, 25 December 2024

I wore an Oura Ring for an entire year — what I like and don’t like

 I was wearing my Oura Ring for an entire year. It was a great reminder of the things I like and do not like about it The Oura Ring holds up a year after.

In the past year, since I began using Oura’s Mya Ring The wearable for fitness has helped me in many ways throughout my daily life. But more than everything else, it’s an excellent conversation starter.


If others notice the ring on my finger they inquire if they think the Oura Ring is worth it or if it’s the most advanced smart band currently available and what it could provide me with than the Apple Watch or activity band won’t.

Oura Ring Gen 3 (slash the newer Oura Ring Gen 3 (slash the latest Oura Ring) is most likely the most popular smart ring available, packing a variety of health sensors in the smallest of shapes. Although it tracks fitness and movement sleep monitoring is Oura Ring’s main feature.

Additionally sleep tracker data and other variables are used to gauge the user’s level of fitness and a score which does a better job of promoting recovery than of the other tracking devices available.

It’s still not a perfect gadget There are a few warnings I give to people who might be looking to purchase one. But I’m sure to explain the reasons I’ve stuck on using it for the entire year. Here’s what I love and dislike regarding Mya Ring. Oura Ring, based on years of use.

Top-notch sleep tracking

Oura Ring Oura Ring is my favorite sleep-tracking gadget, hands down. It’s not only comfy to wear all night (I’m one of those who’s always rested with my jewelry) The data it gathers is excellent and reliable, too. In addition to monitoring the heartbeat, temperature, and oxygen saturation the Oura Ring provides me with more than I would want to know about my level of sleep. The sleep score is an overview of my sleep, but your sleep-stages chart as well as breathing pattern graph help me understand my sleep patterns. an in-depth look at my sleep patterns.

I’m most interested in heart rate variation (HRV) data, but. HRV can be a sign that you are sleeping “stressors” such as traveling anxiety, stress and even health issues. If you notice that the Oura Ring picks up on significant changes in HRV, it may suggest that you take a break. On a rest day activities goals are not allowed. I’ve been advised to rest during particular busy weeks or at the end of a lengthy travel period. This reminder to rest and not push myself to workout, has made me pay attention to my body’s needs better.

NYT Connections Hints Today


NYT Connections Hints Today: Clues, Answers For December

 Connections is the newest New York Times word game that has caught the attention of the world at large. The game focuses on discovering  connections that are “common threads between words.” Similar to WordleConnections is resets at midnight, and each word becomes more difficult and more difficult. So we’ve provided some tips and tricks to help you get over the obstacle.

If you’re looking to hear about today’s puzzle You can skip to the conclusion of this article to find the current Connects solution. If you’d prefer to solve it on your own, read on for hints, suggestions and tricks to help you.

What is Connections?

It’s no surprise that the NYT‘s new day-long word puzzle has become a viral media sensation. It is reported that the Times acknowledges its associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu for her role in helping develop the game and bringing it into the section Games in the publication. Connections is playable in both web browsers as well as mobile devices. It requires players to join four words that have some thing in common.

Each puzzle is comprised of 16 words. Each grouping of words is divided in four different categories. These sets can comprise of any number of things, including titles of books, software names for countries, etc. Although many words may appear to be a perfect fit but there is only one right solution.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Slidesgo – How to Use slidesgo free templates

Slidesgo makes use of  AI’s power AI to make slideshows more effective and specific. Slidesgo can be described as a template-based slide  presentation tool developed by the software firm Freepik. It makes use of the capabilities of AI to improve the presentation designs which you might already be creating using the likes of Google Slides, Apple Keynote or Microsoft PowerPoint.

What is Slidesgo?

Slidesgo is an AI-enabled slides presentation tool that can be used with other software that uses slides and is specifically designed for use in teaching.

The section for education on Slidesgo has a wide selection of templates created specifically for teachers in mind. It’s possible that finding the ideal template, usually free, is an easy task that does not require a huge amount of editing.

What Is Blooket

Blooket is a platform for learning that’s based on games, making it enjoyable for students as well as teachers. Blooket can be described as a enjoyable and interactive quiz-style platform created to inspire students through games-based learning.

A variety of quiz choices are on the website Teachers can make work assignments quickly and easily. It also permits the use of class in groups, or as individuals, and also choices for learning through quizzes and assessments in the absence of the class, using personal devices.

There are many quiz platforms available however, this one stands out because it provides more traditional-style games, and is rewarded when you complete the questions and responses. This should result in maximum learning and entertainment all in one.

What is Blooket?

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Codeplayon:- Android Tutorials for Android Development

Codeplayon -: Android Tutorials for Android Development: Android Tutorials Android Tutorials using Android Studio for Beginners as well as advanced programmers. Learn Android app developm...

Android Tutorials for Android Development

Android Tutorials using Android Studio for Beginners as well as advanced programmers. Learn Android  app development Android Tutorials step by step guideline. Hare, you can Learn, Explore, and Share your Knowlege with Advance Android Tutorials.

Android tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic Android programming. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in Android programming from where you can take yourself to next levels.

Android tutorial

  1. What is Android ? and History of Android.
  2. Why Android ?.
  3. Features of Android.
  4. Android OS Architecture.
  5. Android Application Components.
  6. Android Application Development Environment Setup.
  7. Android First Example to Developer an app ( Hello Android )
  8. Explain activity in android and Activity lifecycle
  9. Android Service Tutorial
  10. Fragment Lifecycle In Android.
  11. Android how to used Checkbox 
  12. Android How to used  Radion Button, in  RadioGroup
  13. RatingBar Tutorial With Example In Android Studio
  14. Android DatePicker dialog Box to Get ToDate and FromDate
  15. Android how to use a static Spinner dropdown list
  16. Android Circular ImageView with Picasso library
  17. Android SeekBar Example
  18. Android ProgressBar Show Count Progress with Examples
  19. Android  MVC: Creating a Model-View-Controller Framework for Android
  20. Android launch modes example
  21. Android  Volley vs Retrofit | Better Approach?

 Android development

Take your Android  coding skills to the next level in our free, self-paced Advanced Android Development training. Here I am sharing android development solution, Android third party SDK, Android library integration, Android development payment gateway, android animation

  1. Android simple used Like Share Via
  2. Android Image UpLoad to server From Camera and gallery
  3. Android  WebView Example Tutorial
  4. Android Recycler view list with  Swipe Refresh and Search bar in recycler list
  5. How to JSONParsing  JsonArray using with RecyclerView Android using Volley
  6. How to JSONParse a JSON Object In Android
  7. Android Searchable Spinner Example
  8. Android Animation with Buttons Example
  9. Android Detect Internet Connection Status
  10. Android MultiAutoCompleteTextView  With API Example Tutorial
  11. Android Dynamic Line Chart Example
  12. How TO  Check User Permission is to allow or not in Android 
  13. How TO  Changing the background color of the selected item  Recycler view  in Android 
  14. Android @Email Intent, @Call Intent, Open URL Intent, @WhatsApp Intent, @YouTube Intent
  15. How to Download PDF from URL in Android Code Example
  16. Android Rate This App”-link in Google Play store app on the phone
  17. Android Number formatting and Convert String to Integer in Android
  18. How to used ImageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out in android
  19. How to use Alarm Manager and Broadcast Receiver in Android
  20. How to load image from URL android Example
  21. Android How get list of checked checkboxes from recyclerview android

 Android UI Design tutorial.

  1. Android Login Screen Design with TextInputLayout & Button Design
  2. How To Create Animated Progress Bar in Android
  3. Android  Splash Screen Animation
  4. Android How to use Image slider in Android @SliderLayout
  5. Android Dotted progress bar example
  6. Android Splash Screen Animated UI Design Example
  7. Android UI Design for and food delivery Boy
  8. How to make  GIF Splash Screen In Android Studio Animated
  9. Android Recyclerview with Cardview android example- @E-Commerce
  10. Android Login Screen With Awesome Animation Design
  11. Android How TO Create Splash Screen Awesome Design
  12. Android  Working with Bottom Navigation
  13. How to Build Intro ImageSlider in Android App
  14. Android Working with Top Tabbar and Navigation Drawer
  15. Android Navigation Drawer Example Tutorial
  16. Android Add a  Floating Action Button and Sub Floating button
  17. Android How to used Actionbar notification count with Server
  18. Android how to change application theme color programmatically

Advanced Android tutorial.

  1. How to Integrate MPos D180 Payment Machine Integration in android
  2. Android Facebook ads integration into Android app – Part 1
  3. Android Facebook ads integration into Android app – Part 2
  4. Android NFC Tutorial – NFC Phone TO NFC Tags Communication
  5. Android Bluetooth Thermal Receipt Printer  Integration in android
  6. Android How to Integrate Google AdMob in your App
  7. failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/Http/ProtocolVersion In android
  8. NetworkSecurityConfig: @No Network Security Config specified, using the platform default
  9. Android how to Integrate Paytm payment getaway in android
  10. Android Sending Push Notifications to Android with Firebase
  11. Android GPS Tracking and Get Address with Street Name, City for Location with Geocoding
  12. Android Canvas Tutorial – Capture @Digital Signature and @PaintView and Save
  13. Android Create a Bar Code Scanner ( ZxingScannerView )
  14. Android Show API Data to Graph Chart Example APP using @MPAndroidChart
  15. Android  Sync SQLite Database with Server using PHP and MySQL
  16. Android  Room Database Example
  17. Android how to use Google Map and Show root and @Calculate distance.
  18. Android download video from URL and save to internal storage
  19. How to create a video streaming from server in android


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